Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Apocalypto (2006) - Unbalance of life.

When I was at college two of my buddies watched Apocalypto and I ask them about the movie. Their feedbacks were upsetting, they said it was lousy because  it was all about running and running. Too bad, I said to myself at the moment.

But with Expectation of the disappointment I urgently watched the movie because of the simple reason, The posters were Legendary. :D

My friends were totally wrong, Apocalypto was not just about running and running. It was tune to surviving the unbalance of life that were centered on God`s beautiful nature and man`s nightmarish creations.

Here`s a little summary:

"As the Mayan kingdom faces its decline, the rulers insist the key tp prosperity is to build more temples and offer human sacrifices. Jaguar Paw a young man captured for sacrifice, flees to avoid his fate."

Click the image to watch the full Movie.

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