Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Antz (1998) - Defying the norms.

On a saturated afternoon me and my 5 year old nephew was trying to pass the time. So I randomly picked this animated movie and of course with my nephews approval.

antZ. With a Z. What I like about this Disney-dream work movie was the romance, individuality and the humongous adventures it serves. the animation was a bonus  :D

Defying the norms was not Z`s intention  but due to his unique mind and personality he conquered the system.

The movie is also good for strengthening  the bond your beloved youngsters.

Here`s a little summary:

"In an anthill with millions of inhabitants, Z is a worker ant. Feeling insignificant in a system, he accidentally meets a beautiful Princess Bala, who has a similar problem on the other end of the social scale. In order to meet her again, Z switches sides with his soldier friend. Only to become a here in the  road of events and with the adventure, developed a crossed-star romance."

Click the photo to watch the Full Movie.

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