Saturday, December 15, 2012

Romantic Debtors | Boolryang Namnyeo (2010)

For the days to come I`l prolly post korean movies, its because my speaker broke so I rely on CC/Subs as  of this time. :D

Anyways, The fire that attracted this dragonfly was the main actor found in this GREAT movie. Lim Chang Jung. The first movie I saw where  he was in was SEX is ZERO. With my hopes high and an aching back I  really enjoyed the film Romantic Debtors. 


"Detective Bang Keuk-Hyun [Lim Chang Jung] falls into debt after a loan he guaranteed for a friend becomes delinquent. Kim Mu-Ryeong [Uhm Ji-Won] works as a customer relation representative for a credit company. Her job is to go after debtors day and night. Detective Bang is her assignment. The few times that Det. Bang answers Mu-Tyeongs persistent calls he berates her with profanity. The two then meet at the police station without knowing each other's identity at first.."

Click the photo to watch the Movie in youtube.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


A continuing list of favorites, even though this post is not a movie but a series I couldn't help but to add this in this blog. 

I like arts that has sort of mystery in them, the type of creations that would not spoon fed me with expectations. "ANOTHER" is one of those creations. It has 12 Episodes and each part has 30 mins of amusement and awakenings. tahahahi. I liked the scenes that were showered with details, and those hollow dolls too.

If you are looking for a genre that would spice of your anime life. ANOTHER is NO OTHER. C:

A Summary:

26 years ago, in a third-year classroom of a middle school, there was a student named Misaki. As an honor student who was also good at sports, the charming boy was popular with her classmates. When he suddenly died , his classmates decided to carry on as if he was still alive until graduation. Then, in the spring  1998, a boy named Sakakibara Kouichi transfers to that classroom and he grows suspicious of the fearful atmosphere in the classroom. In particular, there is a beautiful, aloof girl named Mei Misaki who wears an eye patch and is always alone drawing pictures. 

[Click the photo above to watch the series.]

Saturday, November 17, 2012

La luna - 2011

click the photo to watch the film.
 A sweet short film, I liked the creativity and the family. Period C:

Anyway If you have 7 minutes to spare, Giving that time to this film? C: is sure worthwhile.

"A fable of young boy who is coming of age in the most peculiar of circumstances. Tonight is the very first time his Papa and Granda are taking him ti work. In an old wooden boat they row far out sea, and with no land in sight, they stop and wait. A big surprise awaits the little boy as he discovers his family`s  most unusual line of work. Should he follow the example of his Papa, or his Grandpa? Will he be able to find his own way in the midst of their conflicting opinions and timeworn traditions?"


Friday, November 9, 2012

The Four - Chinese Film

The bird and the whistles in the first 12 seconds ignited may zest towards this movie. After the ignition I was absorbed by my curiosity with the scenes that followed. The props, the set, the flying kicks and the lovely "heroine" in the movie was a sold out for me.

If you are a fan of sci-fi american movies, try the four it has this unique  [chinese] version of super powers. C:

X-men, Van Helsing, Resident evil = The Four.

a summary:

"A quest for power fighting secretly to grab the seat of Highness"

Click the image above to view full movie at youtube.


Trigun the Movie - Badlands Rumble.

I was busy in the past few weeks so I could not search the youtube for a great and free movie. I supposed I`m back for some time until my busy days turns up again. :c But anyway I found a great movie to burn time with. Kodus.

As I was relieving my stress in youtube I stumble upon this trigun movie - Badlands Rumble. I love trigun, it was such a great series at early 2004. In fact one of my Childhood Animes.

I must say Trigun is Epic. A MUST see for trigun fans.

A summary:

"20 years after meddling into the bank heist of a notorious robber named Gasback, Vash the Stampede is heading towards Macca City. Rumors say that the legendary thief might appear there causing an enormous influx of bounty hunters in the area who want to collect $300,000,000 price for his head. Written by Anime News Network."

Click any image above to watch the free movie at youtube.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pretty Woman (1990)

I just recently watched this modern fairytale film because at the time when this was still a "common movie" my parents and older relatives wouldn't want me to watch it. And  After 22 years I learned why they didn't allow me, some scenes were Spicy for young kids.  :DD

If I watched this film before "the Girl next door" this would be my number 1 movie in the genre. Well, even though this is not my number one, the movie was still  dearly great. Thumbs up.

Wel, Sad to say this film was copyrighted. SO, I moved it the trailer section of this blog.

A brief Summary:

"Edward is a rich, ruthless businessman who specializes in taking over companies and then selling them off piece by piece, He travels to Los Angeles for a business trip and decides to hire a prostitute. The take a likeing ti each other and he offers her money if she`ll stay with him for an entire week while he makes the "rich and famous" scene [since it doesn`t do for a man of his stature to be alon at societ parties and polo matches]. Romantic comendy [and complications] ensue." Written by Afterburner <>

Click a photo above to watch the full movie.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Armageddon (1998)

I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I`d Miss you babe. yihi!

Armageddon is a song. When I hear the word I hear aerosmith and that just it period.

Loved the movie drama and I think many would agree. At a dramatic scene of bruce I shed a tear  and my watch mate laugh at me hitting my manly pride. It was ok coz I saw his wet eyes, he was trying his best not to let out a tear. :DD

The movie was wondrous, a good film to watch with love ones.

A brief Summary:

"It is just another day at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NASA, a few astronouts were repairing a satellite until, out of nowhere, a series of asteroids came crashing into the shuttle, destroying it. These asteroids also decimated New York soon therafter. Then, NASA discovered that there is an asteroid roughly the size of Texas heading towards the Earth, and when it does hit the Earth, the planet itself and all of its inhabitants will be obliterated, worse , the asteroid will hit the Earth in coming days. unfortunately, NASA`s plans to destroy the asteroid are irrelevant, That is when the U.S military decides to use a nuclear warhead to blow the asteroid itself. The only man to do it, is an oil driller named Harry Stamper and his group of misfit drillers and geologists. As he and his drill team prepare for space excavation...." Written by John Wiggins.

Click a photo above to watch the movie.