Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pretty Woman (1990)

I just recently watched this modern fairytale film because at the time when this was still a "common movie" my parents and older relatives wouldn't want me to watch it. And  After 22 years I learned why they didn't allow me, some scenes were Spicy for young kids.  :DD

If I watched this film before "the Girl next door" this would be my number 1 movie in the genre. Well, even though this is not my number one, the movie was still  dearly great. Thumbs up.

Wel, Sad to say this film was copyrighted. SO, I moved it the trailer section of this blog.

A brief Summary:

"Edward is a rich, ruthless businessman who specializes in taking over companies and then selling them off piece by piece, He travels to Los Angeles for a business trip and decides to hire a prostitute. The take a likeing ti each other and he offers her money if she`ll stay with him for an entire week while he makes the "rich and famous" scene [since it doesn`t do for a man of his stature to be alon at societ parties and polo matches]. Romantic comendy [and complications] ensue." Written by Afterburner <>

Click a photo above to watch the full movie.

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